Valentina is a lover, not a fighter. She possess no magical ability unless you count her DJ-ing skills. Val lives for night life and is only around during the day to help setup for events.Valentina works as a travelling DJ and find friends all over the world. She loves exploring the different places she gets booked and experiencing their nightlife to the fullest. She's incredibly passionate about her music and worked very hard to gain the recognition she has.Social media queen, Val has gained quite the following over time. Throughout her travels she's made lots of friends and word got out about her quickly. Her bubbly and caring personality has made her a fan favourite and she couldn't be happier. Val is an extrovert and the more friends the better in her opinion!Val is a pacifist and stays out of physical combat as much as possible, but is always willing to fight for causes she believes in. She is a political activist and an active member of the LGBTQIA+ community and regularly invests her money and time because she has spent too long watching her friends be treated as less-than. She also does her best to use her platform to bring awareness to these issues through her music and through social media.